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Currency of the World:
United States of America


Currency of the World : USD


Number of NFT's in collection: 12

Where to buy: Via this opensea link


NFT info:

The USD or United States Dollar has 12 NFT variants. The variants are listed below.


$ 1 - The one dollar bill with: George Washington


$ 2 - The two dollar bill with: Thomas Jefferson


$ 5 - The five dollar bill with: Abraham Lincoln


$ 10 - The ten dollar bill with: Alexander Hamilton


$ 20 - The twenty dollar bill with: Andrew Jackson


$ 50 - The fifty dollar bill with: Ulysses S. Grant


$ 100 - The one hundred dollar bill with: Benjamin Franklin


$ 500 - The five hundred dollar bill with: William McKinley


$ 1.000 - The one thousand dollar bill with: Grover Cleveland


$ 5.000 - The five thousand dollar bill with: James Madison


$ 10.000 - The ten thousand dollar bill with: Salmon P. Chase


$ 100.000 -The one hundred thousand dollar bill with: Woodrow Wilson



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