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Galerie du Monde | Gallery of the World

Galerie du Mondes goal is to allow you to collect our amazing NFT's. Our focus will be on worldly things hence the name Galerie du Monde | Gallery of the World.


Our first drop will be a series about the famous leaders of the world. The series is called 'Leaders of the World Series'



About: Leaders of the World Series contains 40 world leaders each with 45 NFT's. The leaders range from John F. Kennedy to Kim Jung Il. Each leader will have their own collection in the series. Collections will contain 5 super specials (full color) 10 black and whites and 30 NFT's with background color. This gives a total of 1800 NFT's for the total series.



Leader NFT's ready to purchase

As our series expands to the total of 40 world leaders they will appear above this paragraph. Currently we are minting the series on opensea, we do our best to mint and add as soon as possible. 




About: The Currency of The World (series) is a series of NFT's connected to the currencies of our world. We start with the most famous currency of all the United States Dollar. From there we will expand to other famous currencies such as the European Unions Euro, the British Pound and so on. Each currency will be priced as close as possible to the real-life value at the moment of becoming available for purchase. As the crypto ETH fluctuates the price of the currency can drift from it's real life value over time. The Currency of the World (series) will only cover bank notes, not the coins.

Currency NFT's Ready to purchase

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