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The Leaders of the World Series


Click on the images below to go to the pages of the Leaders

Ready for purchasing:

Leaders of the World Series: Trump

Leaders of the World Series: Stalin

Leaders of the World Series: Putin

Leaders of the World Series: Hitler


Leaders of the World Series: Obama

Leaders of the World Series: John F. Kennedy


Next in line for minting:

Leaders of the World Series: Ben-Gurion

Leaders of the World Series: Abe

Leaders of the World Series: Kim Jong-Un 


Comming soon:

Leaders of the World Series: Al-Sisi

Leaders of the World Series: Assad

Leaders of the World Series: Baghadadi

Leaders of the World Series: Blair


Leaders of the World Series: Bouterse

Leaders of the World Series: Bush

Leaders of the World Series: Clinton (Bill)

Leaders of the World Series: Erdogan


Leaders of the World Series: Fidel

Leaders of the World Series: Gadaffi

Leaders of the World Series: Gorbatchev

Leaders of the World Series: Hillary


Leaders of the World Series: Hirohito

Leaders of the World Series: Johnson

Leaders of the World Series: Kim Il-Sung

Leaders of the World Series: Lukachenko


Leaders of the World Series: Maduro

Leaders of the World Series: Mao

Leaders of the World Series: Meir

Leaders of the World Series: Merkel


Leaders of the World Series: Modi

Leaders of the World Series: Mussolini

Leaders of the World Series: Netanyahu

Leaders of the World Series: Orban


Leaders of the World Series: Reza

Leaders of the World Series: Saddam

Leaders of the World Series: Salman

Leaders of the World Series: Selassi


Leaders of the World Series: Tito

Leaders of the World Series: Xi

Leaders of the World Series: Yeltsin




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